Industrial air dryer

OP 130 air dryers from IGLOO are highly efficient, professional compact devices used to remove vapour and dry the indoor air which feature high operational effciency reaching 97% which makes tham a class of their own and makes IGLOO the leader in innovative indoor air drying systems.


Stary Wiśnicz 289
32-720 Nowy Wiśnicz, Poland

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How to avoid mould and fungi in your flat?

Jak uniknąć grzybów i pleśni w mieszkaniu?

How to avoid mould and fungi in your flat?

Appropriate air humidity is very important not only for the building walls, correct operation of equipment or processes, but also for health and wellbeing of people staying in the rooms. Very low humidity makes the air dry, and high humidity favour the growthy of mould, fungi and bacteria which can cause not only diseases but also a foul smell.

High humidity is a problem particularly in new buildings where walls have not dried after the construction works, or in buildings in which thermal insulation is insufficient or ventilation is poor. High humidity and inadequate ventilation, and hence absence of fresh air, are the most frequent causes of the occurrence of mould and various types of pathogenic bacteria.

Albeit many of us do not know it, we ourselves are also responsible for mould and fungi in various places. Higher humidity can occur as a result of various household activities such as cooking or a hot bath. Juts look at a steamy mirror and imagine that vapour also settles on walls and ceilings.

When the mould attacks and grows deep into the walls it may be too late for any preventive actions, and the only solution is to renovate the flat. But if it’s still not too late, prevent the fungal growth as soon as possible. Remove all obstacles from ventilation ducts to improve the air changes, and air the flat frequently. You can also use a suitable device which will remove excess moisture from the areas where it is in abundance. A household air dryer, which is compact, aesthetic and efficient, might do the trick. Some models feature also a function for germ and bacteria liquidation with a UV lamp and foul smell absorption. It makes sense to use them, as efficient air dryers not only prevent the mould growth, but also protect our health and wellbeing keeping the air humidity at the appropriate level.